To not make this an about me, that makes me out to be a self absorbed douche bag, I will try to be quick, but I guess as it is my website, I can speak on whatever I want, right? 😛
So what can I say about myself, without sounding too egotistical? Well, firstly, clearly my name isn’t Myron Gaines as I am female. Although a lot of people assume this about me, because of the fact maybe I have muscles? The truth of it all, is that that isn’t my name. It’s a pseudonym that I go by, that I picked up from visiting various body building forums. In fact, if you googled “Myron Gaines”, you’d see facebook pages and images associated with that name, with a lot of different faces and people, associated with it. It just simply means “Admirin’ Gains”. Only the worthy, is allowed to use such a name, so there you have it! I am MYRON GAINES!
Now that we got that over with, before my email box is flooded with emails asking if that’s my name, I can go onto the more boring information 🙂

My main hobby, if you haven’t figured it out as yet, is bodybuilding. Although I haven’t competed and I know how some people will take offense that I chose to use the word bodybuilding, but it is what I do. I literally sculpt my body, via working out my body in certain ways, to build it into my ideal physique. As most people who are into bodybuilding knows, it’s an ongoing process because you are NEVER satisfied.
I love bodybuilding so much that back in 2011, I started blogging about my experience over at Love My Muscles and providing information as I found it, on the internet. I felt that the internet provided a lot of misinformation and seeing as I have had 11 13 years to go through a lot of trial and errors, while reading all of those said misinformation, I felt it was necessary for me to share my experience with others and the information I have gathered since I have started.
About the Site
As for this website. I have had many different personal blogs, under different names but I allowed them all to lapse and lost them over the years. But, this website name is something that a lot of people are familiar with, in regards to identifying it with me. So, I had to get it!
So this is my personal blog, where I will talk about whatever I want to. It may not be exciting but I like blogging, so it seemed fitting to start one where I can talk about whatever I want.
Hi! I really did like your surviving term 4 guide, but if you dont mind me asking how do I get the Path resources you mentioned?
Where can I get a copy of Maham’s white bread?
I will email it to you.