by • July 23, 2018 • Becoming me again, Bodybuilding LogComments (0)1235

Gym Week 16 – Becoming Me Again

Seeing as I am becoming leaner and the fat is dropping off (not fast but steady), and with increasing my intensity to help with the fat loss; my joints have started hurting. This is the downside to losing the body fat, and then gaining that endurance and energy but recognizing that high intensity training with heavy weights throughout, isn’t really the way to go. So, for the time being to help with my joints and prevent any injuries, I will be lifting heavy but not with so much intensity. What that means is that my sets aren’t going to be in the 6s, but rather in the 3s to 4s.

So basically, I am going to do a nice 1st set warm up with light weight, 2nd will be a fairly heavy weight that I guarantee to have 10 reps, 3rd will be the weight that’s right below my max strength and then of course, the 4th, will be that max weight. The idea is that I make my lifts, but reduce the amount of time my joints are under weight/stress.

As time goes on, I may incorporate a light week and a heavy week, to help even more. There’s nothing worth being in chronic pain, because of something you love. So either lowering the sets or alternating the weeks, so that my joints can heal up, something will happen. I will obviously indicate whichever is happening, when I update my logs as usual.

I have been having a lot of unilateral neck pain, more on my left side, so shoulder workouts have been to the minimum as I get that dealt with.

Also, I started training with someone who is going to push me to do some crossfit like routines which will help with my fat loss. So, I will add those routines at the end of each logs.


– barbell bench press: 135 lbs x 10, 145 lbs x 8, 155 lbs x 6, 160 lbs x 6 (unspotted!) – I had to psych myself up for this one and start at 2 reps and then break till I go the 6 reps. Wrist was hurting like a bish though, so that counted for something with the lift.
– db flat bench press: 22 kg x 10, 24 kg x 8, 26 kg x 6
– machine press: 135 lbs x 16, 155 lbs x 8, 180 lbs x 4
– smith machine incline bench press: 90 lbs x 10, 100 lbs x 5


– concentration curls: 14 kg x 8
– hammer curls: 14 kgs x 10, 16 kgs x 10, 18 kgs x 10
– high cable double biceps curls: 7.5 kg x 10
– reverse cable biceps curls: 10 kg x 12, 12.5 kg x 12, 17.5 kg x 10


– lat pull downs: 50 kg x 10, 55 kg x 6, 60 kg x 5
– wide grip lat pull downs: 45 kg x 10
– side bar handle cable lat pull downs: 45 kg x 10, 50 kg x 8, 55 kg x 5
– barbell bent over rows: 135 lbs x 12, 155 lbs x 5
– one arm db bent over rows: 26 kg x 10, 28 kg x 10, 30 kg x 10, 32 kg x 6


– db one arm triceps behind head extensions: 9 kg x 20, 10 kg x 10, 12 kg x 10, 14 kg x 8
– behind head cable triceps extensions: 17.5 kg x 20, 22.5 kg x 12, 25 kg x 10, 30 kg x 8
– one arm cable side triceps extensions: 10 lbs x 10, 7.5 kg x 8, 10 kg x 10
– triceps extensions: 20 kg x 20, 25 kg x 10, 27.5 kg x 7


– barbell overhead press: 80 lbs x 10, 8. 85 lbs x 5
– smith machine overhead press: 50 lbs x 10, 90lbs x 2


– leg extensions: 45 kg x 12, 50 kg x 10, 55 kg x 10
– barbell squat: 135 lbs x 10, 180 lbs x 5
– leg curls: 25 kg x 12, 30 kg x 12, 35 kg x 10
– barbell deadlifts: 135 x 12, 180 lbs x 5, 190 lbs x 3

At the end of the routine, I was made to do 21, 15 and 9…rows and blurpees. So 21 rows, with 21 blurpees. One after the other. It was intense and nauseating but I think once I do that every week, at least once, I will lose some more body fat.

Next week, I plan to do high reps, except for lifts like compound lifts.

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