by • May 19, 2018 • Becoming me again, Bodybuilding LogComments (0)1155

Gym Week 9 – Becoming me again

Passing that 2 months mark of lifting and getting back into the gym.

Just progressing my strength and my lifts as usual. Nothing has changed other than I went up 10 lbs in my bench press and made 10 reps on the 135 lb weight for barbell bench press. To me, that’s something big. It is easy weight and I am confident pushing it. So the strength is coming back steadily.



– Lat pulldowns: 55 kg x 6
– One arm db bent over rows: 26 kg x 8
– Barbell bench over rows: 135 lbs x 10, 145 x 5
– Close grip underhand lat pulldowns: 100 x 10, 55 kg x 6


– One arm 45 degree cable triceps extension: 20 lbs x 10
– Behind head cable triceps extension: 45 lbs x 10
– One arm db behind head triceps extension: 12 kg x 5


– DB alternate bicep curls: 18 kg x 6
– Hammer curls: 18 kg x 8


– Flat barbell bench press: 135 lbs x 10, 145 x 6
– Machine presses: 130 lb x 10
– Incline db bench press: 50 x 4


– Lateral raises: 8 kg x 10
– Front raises: 8 kg x 10
– DB overhead press: 40 lbs each x 10


– Leg extensions: 100 lbs x 10
– Squat: 135 lbs x 10, 6
– T-bar deadlift: 180 lbs x 10
– Barbell deadlifts: 135 lbs x 10, 180 x 5
– Leg curls: 70 x 4
– Reverse butterflies: 10 kg x 8

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