by • February 26, 2018 • Interesting Videos, Videos, You Tube VideosComments (0)1582

Michael B. Jordan and The Hot Ones

I just finished looking at this series called The Hot Ones on You Tube, with Michael B. Jordan as the guest; which was extremely hilarious. So basically the gist of the show is to do an interview while basically running through 10 spicy hot wings; the first one being not so bad at all to the last one being basically death in your mouth, with a max of 2,000,000+ on the scoville meter (how spicy something is). The funniest part is how Michael B. Jordan, starts off being able to answer questions with ease and as he continues down the tract of eating the hot wings as they become hotter, his thought process goes from focusing on the interview to wondering wtf is going on in his mouth. He even admits to it some time during the interview, which just makes the whole interview even more hilarious. I definitely had a good laugh from watching this.

Aside from the hilarity that is watching someone being tortured by spicy chicken wings, the interview was pretty interesting also, to say the least. It hammers in on funny events that Michael has experienced as a kid, how he got into the role of Killmonger in the MCU blockbuster; The Black Panther, whether he can relate to certain rap lyrics that pertains to fame, the knock out scene in Creed and his experience on Friday Night Lights (2006 to 2011) and being a young actor at the time and how he got the part of Vince Howard.

If you’re interested in checking out the hilarious 22 minutes long interview (which is yet again worth it not only for the content but also how hilarious Michael B. Jordan’s reaction to the spiciness of the hot wings), then check out the you tube video below!

Geeky Rant

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