by • August 13, 2015 • Medical SchoolComments (0)3590

Late Registration At St. George’s University (SGU)

Have you decided that you are going to head back to school, a little later? I mean, from looking at the master schedule, the first week for your term doesn’t seem to be that hectic, so why not? Or maybe for some reason, financial aid, the check you have sent to the school hasn’t reached yet or whatever is the issue, registering late is the only option that you have. Maybe you had a lay over, and couldn’t get a flight back in time. Whatever the reason is, you are going to incur a late fee for registering late. The reason why SGU does this, as per their student manual, is because they want to make sure you are there for the first day of class.

Late registration for the Fall semester, which includes for Term 2, 4, and 5, starts on the 12th of August. Generally it is stated that the late period starts 1 day after the beginning of class, for that particular term. You have about 6 days of late registration period, so that makes it the 18th for Term 2, 4 and 5. If it is that you do not register or get whatever it is lifted if it is pertaining to a hold on your account, you cannot register.

The registration fee, as of now for the school of medicine at SGU, is $50 USD per day that you are late to registering. The good thing though is that the late fee is billed to your account and you pay for it online. If you do not have a U.S account, then online payment isn’t possible and paying cash at registration, allows you to place credit on your account which will be used once the late fees are added.

Not registering doesn’t affect you being able to access your classes from Sakai. Per the current Student Manual, failure to register will cause the student to be dismissed from the school.

The reason I wrote this article, is because I was searching for this information and couldn’t find it. The student manual does have all the information that you need, so you cannot argue the late fees. It is best to come with money on you, if you are coming to register late or if you have a U.S account, make sure it has extra funds in it, outside of the funds you’d use for food, etc., for the late fees when it is billed to your account. If these fees aren’t paid, they most likely will cause a Hold on your account which can then proceed to preventing you from registering the next semester.

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