by • October 9, 2018 • Becoming me again, Bodybuilding LogComments (0)1113

Gym Week 25 – Becoming Me Again

I have moved on from Emergency Medicine for my elective and I am onto Gynecology. Now, you would think that gynecology would be an easier, slower, not much to do, clerskhip, and you would be right. But, the catch is, with Emergency Medicine, I see patients and I am expected to be there from one time to another. Then they actually allocated a certain amount of hours per week, for us to self study. Seeing as Family Medicine NBME shelf exam, was afterwards, this study time came in handy. So I had enough time to gym on the weekends, and get my work done in the week. Now with gynecology, I don’t have that time because I have mainly theater sessions and clinics. So less hands on, but more time filled up with activities.

So, that was all said to introduce the fact that I leave pretty late on a Friday, and going to the gym afterwards to train with people who do the same thing, is pretty annoying. I don’t like a crowded gym with people who are training, but aren’t really as serious as the rest of us. Kudos to them for engaging in a fit lifestyle, but they do kind of get in my way. I feel kind of bad saying that, but it’s the truth lol. It’s kind of like the new year resolutioners, coming to the gym and getting in your way, when you know a few weeks into new years, they’re going to cancel their membership or let it lapse and never come back. So basically getting in your way for a short period of time, to then just disappear eventually.

Because of that, I have been training chest, back, biceps and triceps on the same day; Saturday. Then whenever I have a free day in the week, I train legs and then legs again. When I start having more time, I will go back to the Chest/Biceps, Back/Triceps and Legs, routine.

– barbell flat bench press: 135 lbs x 12, 145 lbs x 10, 155 lbs x 9
– incline db bench press: 18 kg x 20, 20 kg x 10, 22 kg x 10, 24 kg x 6
– decline smith machine press: 90 lbs x 12
– one arm machine press: 45 lbs x 20

– barbell bent over rows: 135 lbs x 10
– low cable pulls: 60 lbs x 15, 70 lbs x 10
– lat pull downs: 50 kg x 8

– db concentration curls: 12 kg x 10
– db alternate bicep curls: 16 kg x 10
– hammer curls: 18 kg x 10

– behind head db triceps extensions: 12 kg x 10
– one arm side cable triceps extensions: 10 kg x 10

– db overhead press: 14 kg x 20, 16 kg x 12, 20 kg x 10, 22 kg x 10
– lateral raises: 4 kg x 20, 5 kg x 15, 8 kg x 10, 9 kg x 12, 10 kg x 10
– front raises: 5 kg x 20, 6 kg x 20, 8 kg x 10, 9 kg x 12, 10 kg x 10
– db shrugs: 12 kg x 25, 25
– shoulders db forward rolls: 8 kg x 20
– shoulders db backward rolls: 8 kg x 20, 20
– upright plate rows: 10 kg x 20, 20 kg x 10, 14

Legs Day 1
– barbell squats: 135 lbs x 12, 145 lbs x 10, 155 lbs x 10, 165 lbs x 7
– leg extensions: 25 kg x 12, 30 kg x 15, 35 kg x 10
– leg curls: 20 kg x 20, 25 kg x 15, 30 kg x 12, 35 kg x 10
– leg presses: 90 kg x 10, 100 kg x 12
– leg presses calves raises: 80 kg x 20, 90 kg x 20, 100 kg x 10, 110 kg x 10

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