by • September 2, 2018 • Becoming me again, Bodybuilding LogComments (0)1269

Gym Week 21 – Becoming Me Again – Push-Pull-Legs

I have to say that this Push-Pull-Legs routine, is a really nice way to change up my thinking of weight lifting, and getting my body to adapt to something new. I mean, it is through adaptation, that the body grows. So I feel as if, my body is really, already responding to this new routine, in a good way. Also, when I say responding, I mean that I am feeling body aches that I normally do not feel. Which is good. I am clearly pushing my body into a direction, that will induce changes.

Also, this routine is causing to focus on strength training, and getting stronger, as compound exercises are the mainstay of the routine.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to do barbell flat bench press this time around, as someone was using it and felt that he’d take a year and a half through his set, and also decided to use the bench as a way to do some assisted one leg squats. At that point, I was already exhausted from doing incline db bench press, machine press and incline smith bench press. Didn’t have the strength to be bothered to ask him to basically, eff off ?

As a quick side note before I log my lifts, I recently did about 20-25 minutes of my Kenpo P90x routine, which I felt pretty good with getting through. I would have been able to go on longer, but I started getting that inter-coastal muscle pain, from my very shallow breathing. I know as my conditioning increases, the pain will be completely gone and no longer a hinder to my training. Also, I plan to do either a HIIT session tomorrow or another Kenpo P90x routine, depending on how my body feels and how much time I have to spare.

As another site note (alot of side notes, looks like I am truly destined to be a doctor with all these notes lol); my skull crusher lifts are pretty pathetic but I tend to get an ache in my elbow on my left side (go figure), so I could only work so hard, without feeling as if I am going to eff my arm up forever.


– machine close grip chest press: 90 lbs x 20, 132 lbs x 10, 155 lbs x 6
– incline db bench press: 20 kg x 20, 22 kg x 12, 24 kg x 6
– smith incline bench press: 90 lbs x 8 x 3 sets
– db shoulder press: 16 kg x 12, 18 kg x 10, 20 kg x 10, 22 kg x 10, 24 kg x 8
– skull crushers: 5 kg x 12, 10 kg x 10, 15 kg x 10
– side triceps cable extensions: 5 kg x 12, 7.5 kg x 10, 10 kg x 6
– arnold press: 14 kg x 10, 16 kg x 10, 18 kg x 8


– deadlifts: 135 x 12, 165 x 4, 190 x 3
– underhand pulldowns: 45 kg x 12, 50 kg x 12, 60 kg x 7
– rope hammer curls: 7.5 kg x 20, 10 kg x 12, 12.5 x 15, 15 kg x 10
– pendlay rows: 90 lbs x 10, 133 lbs x 3,10
– smith machine pendlay rows: 20 kg x 10, 40 kg x 7
– wide grip cable rows: 15 kg x 20, 20 kg x 20, 25 kg x 20, 30 kg x 10
– wide grip upright rows: 12.5 kg x 20, 15 kg x 20, 17.5 kg x 12, 20 kg x 12
– trap-bar deadlifts: 135 lbs x 10, 175 lbs x 12, 220 lbs x 4
– wide arm lat pull downs: 50 kg x 10, 55 kg x 7


– regular stance squats: 135 x 10, 155 x 10, 177 x 5
– sumo squats: 90 lbs x 10, 110 lbs x 10, 135 lbs x 10
– leg press: 80 g x 20, 90 kg x 14, 100 kg x 14, 110 kg x 12
– leg extensions: 40 kg x 15, 45 kg x 10, 50 kg x 10
– leg curls: 20 kg x 20, 25 kg x 20, 30 kg x 12, 35 kg x 10
– lunges: 16 kg x 12, 20 kg x 12, 12
– calves raises: 80 kg x 12, 90 kg x 12, 100 kg x 12, 110 kg x 10

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