A lot of us take waking up for granted. We let people disrupt our mental flow, and act like emotional vampires, depleting us of enjoyment for life. The fact that we’re allowing petty things to run our lives, and ruin our days, is pathetic. Of course there are those who are genuinely suffering and this post isn’t related or in reference to them. This is for the people who do not have a chemical imbalance, but those people who dwell over a friend not liking them anymore, or a lover breaking up with them, or they didn’t do so well on an exam and have to either re-do it, or re-do a subject, or a semester, or whatever. Just basically; shit happens – life.
I write all of that because sometimes, we need to see people who are living lives that we would never fathom being livable, and yet they are doing it awesomely and trying to be positive every single day. Some of us just have bad days, because we are humans. We feel doomed on those days, and just wish we could just curl up in a ball and remain in bed all day. But then there’s those people who are living a life that’s highly demanding of them every single day; whether it be living with an incurable genetic disease that is exhaustively painful, experiencing a very near-death incident that has left them disfigured or what have you.
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